Friday, May 1, 2009

Artist's Statement

I recently finished the book by Dave Cullen titled "Columbine" about the massacre that took place in 1999 at the Colorado high school Columbine. After reading the book I realized that everything talked about in that book is my reason for creating film. The film talked about the massacre itself where 15 people died and dozens more were injured. It then went on to talk about the two killers and explain their psyches. Through my films I strive to describe, research and explain others who are different and sometime struggling. I am obsessed with the Columbine massacre and would love to make a film from the book I just read. Ever since I heard of the massacre in 1999 when I was 10 years old and attending a elementary school only twenty minutes away from the terror, I have felt a connection to the story and have wanted to share the story with others who may not be familiar with it and the individuals involved. 

The book not only was descriptive and acknowledged every aspect related to the shooting but it also explained itself. It was extremely well researched and everything that was said was said with confidence and knowledge. The book also went out on a ledge and describe the killers in a better light than most other people have before. The author went into depth describing the killers characteristics and did not hesitate to state their positive attributes. The stance that the author took towards the killers is the same stance I like to take towards any characters in my films regardless if they are fictional or nonfictional. There have been so many misconceptions about the events that occurred and the shooters intentions and reasons for acting in such a violent manner. This book, unlike many others, clears the facts and the intentions of the killers, giving answers to those who needed them. 

Not only the setting of the book but the characters, ideas and actions of the film inspire me to make films and create art. I grew up in Colorado and am familiar with the high school Columbine. Friends of mine attended years later and I knew some families that had relatives involved in the shooting. The people of the book are much like myself causing me to want to explain them and even explain those that are different from myself, like the killers. I am intrigued by school shootings and want to investigate the causes and preventions related to them. 

Although I realize I can not make every one of my films involve a school shooting. The ideas and execution of Cullen's book is a perfect outline for the way I like to go about making my art. His passion and knowledge of the subject shone through in his words and I can only hope that my passion and love for my film can shine through in the images I present to the world.